Celtic Folklore:Fogachos

Celtic Folklore:Fogachos

"Fogachos" or "Candeinhas" are spirits of Portuguese folklore. Fogachos are according to ancient beliefs, lost souls, little children who have died without Baptism, which appear on the form of small lights.

Old folk saying:
"Wherever they appear, heartwarming scenes almost always follow. If you are to be a parent and one of them comes to you, slowly, with faltering steps, showing you it's little shroud and with its light extinguished by the many tears you have shed, - dry your eyes, hold it close to your heart without speaking, so that the heat of your breast warms it and you no longer embitter it's melancholy fate. "
Source: Northern Portugal Celtic League - Liga Celta do Norte
Material: as taken from “The Tradition. Portuguese Ethnography Illustrated Monthly Magazine 1899
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